Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Physiology- Review --CardioVascular system--- Video & Lecture notes

Mean electrical axis of the heart ,anyone ??it is the most commonest question these days,it has been repeated in many of my friends' papers.it is in the lecture notes,though not discussed in the video.

Voltage gated calcium channels, otherwise called slow channels,are the most basic and fundamental , yet very very important concept of a cardiac muscle contraction.

Electrical versus mechanical events,SA node -remeber it has the higest intrinsic rate
ECG,heart blocks and ventricular depolarization are often asked
preload,afterload ,effect on sym and parasympathetics on heart rate is all basic physiology,spend few minutes on valvular defects and pressure volume loops

I find that its much simpler to read the lecture notes first and then play the video esp for this chapter and also the chapter on excretory system.The video lecture can become monotonous due to repetitions and therefore you can choose to skim over certain parts.

However, Cardiac cycle is best explained in the video lecture, make full use of your remote control buttonns topause,play pause replay till you get it the first time.I guarantee this will stay in your greycells forevr

Make full use of your scribbling pad ,make sure you have your own notes perfect,so you can sign off the most important chapter of physiology in style


  1. hey...thanks for all the help!!
    i ve been following all the schedules u ve given for micro...it helps alot!!!
    can u precisely discuss the schedule for biochemistry, physiology and pathology as well?? the same way as u ve discussed it for microbiology.....

    m looking fwd to it....

  2. Ok,iam doing pathology review now,will do biochem and physio after that

  3. Where did you get the USMLE Notes and Lectures?


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